The Birds of High Park

Interesting Pictures and stories about our feathered winged friends here in the Park.  There is an amazing variety of birds living and migrating through this important natural habitat!

Something you don’t see in nature too often is a Red Tail Hawk having a leisurely lunch in the park.  This Red Tail had caught itself a squirrel and was having a snack while a number of us watched.

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As you may have read on our Twitter Feed we have ourselves a couple of bird feeders set up just outside our office.  It’s a great way to keep excited about nature while stuck inside doing the paperwork that is necessary to keep our program up and running!

Now we use the term “bird” feeder loosely as the squirrels are often the one’s hanging upside down from the branches while eating the seeds.

Cleaning the office windows might help a bit with clarity!

Sightings at the feeder so far:

  • Chickadees
  • Junkos
  • Red-breasted  Nuthatch
  • Northern Cardinals (male and female)
  • House Sparrow
  • American Tree Sparrow
  • European Starling
  • Brown Thrasher (who’s not supposed to be this far north at the moment but then again neither is . . .)
  • American Robins (we’ve even got a small flock of them)
  • Hairy Woodpecker (female, no red spot on her head)

We’ll keep updating you as we see more species throughout the winter.  Also check back soon for a bird feeder how to post.  You don’t need a backyard or park to help feed the birds!

Latest Update – Red Tailed Hawk sightings

We’ve had a number of sightings of this guy/girl:

Not at the bird feeder mind you!  But right overhead … that tree is just outside the office and these guys:

Were just not paying attention!!!  She/he was watching them closely but didn’t seem very interested.  They, however, were rather interested in me:

No … I do not have any food!

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