Camp Forms PLEASE!! :)

With only a few days to go until camp starts we’re looking for your camper’s forms!  We know it’s been a bit tough with the postal issues and all but we do need your camper’s forms before his or her camp session starts . . . especially if there’s anything important we need to know!

Click here if you need the forms and the handbook.

If you have them please fill them out and fax them to 416-392-1319.  Especially if you camper starts the weeks July 4th or 11th.  Otherwise you can mail them to the address on the form.

We will have forms onsite Monday morning if your unable to download and/or fax them in.

Please remember that your camper is not allowed to attend camp unless we have those forms filled out.  It’s a health and safety issue.

Happy Canada Day everyone and we hope you all have a fantastic weekend!

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