Green Energy Doors Open

Because we don’t have enough to do for Harvest Fest weekend … we thought we’d sign up for Green Energy Doors Open on Saturday, October 4th, 2014! In actual fact it’s rather handy as we’ll already be at the Children’s Teaching Kitchen. We’ll be cooking up a storm with our Youth Cooking Program and preppingContinue reading “Green Energy Doors Open”

An Interview with a Solar Wagon

Patience is a virtue. If it doesn’t work the first time, try and try again. There is a reason why some of these old adages still ring true today. Patience and a willingness to keep trying is why the Children’s Teaching Kitchen is here today. It’s also the reason why it has beautiful shiny newContinue reading “An Interview with a Solar Wagon”

Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Sun …

The sun shines down on the Children’s Garden here in High Park – A LOT! It’s one of the main reasons why our garden grows so well (and dries out so quickly 🙂 ). In the past the spot our Garden now grows upon was once a large parking lot and picnic shelter. This meansContinue reading “Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Sun …”