We know it’s tough thinking about March Break when plans for the holiday season are just warming up but it’s that time again! Registration starts tomorrow, Saturday, Dec. 3rd at 7 am. Spaces are limited so please make sure you start early! For more information and barcodes for March Break Eco Camp 2017 go to…
If you’re looking for March Break Eco Camp Info (at 6:55 am 😉 ) look no further! Program Barcode: 2342750 Location: High Park Children’s Teaching Kitchen Ages: 6 to 10 Date: March 10-14, 2013 Time: 9 am to 4 pm (extended care available, registration required – Before 8-9 am (2342748- $13/week) and After 4-5 pm (2342749 – $13/week)) Cost: $171.00…
Yes, once again … it’s that time to register for Winter Programs and March Break Camps. Here’s a little more info on how to register on Saturday, Dec. 7th at 7 am.
Remember March Break Eco Camp Registration starts this Saturday at 7 am and Summer Eco Camp Registration starts Saturday, March 1st, 2014 at 7 am! Here are a few amazing images of our Youth and Eco Leaders in Training challenging their limits on the High Ropes Course on Centre Island.