For us here at the Children’s Eco Programs the first sign of spring isn’t the longer days or the warmer weather … it’s the opening day for Eco Camp Registrations! 😀 Get those fingers ready to hit the redial/refresh buttons and register your campers for Eco Camp! You will also find our Caregiver and tot (4 to 5Continue reading “Registration Starts Sat., March 7th at 7 am for Eco Camp and Spring Programs!”
Category Archives: Eco Camp
2015 March Break Eco Camp Registration
First of all I can’t believe I just had to type 2015! But at least it’s for a super fun reason 🙂 That’s right! The countdown to March Break Eco Camp Registration is now on. This Saturday at 7 am you can sign-up your camper for our 2015 March Break Eco Camp Program. No matterContinue reading “2015 March Break Eco Camp Registration”
We’re so excited! Camp starts on Monday (with a day off for everyone on Canada Day don’t forget)! Our Camp Counsellors are getting ready for a summer full of fun, organic gardening, hiking, swimming, cooking and so much more. So this is officially the time to remind parents (who have already signed up their campersContinue reading “ONLY 5 MORE SLEEPS UNTIL CAMP STARTS!!!”
Eco LIT’s Rock!
What is an Eco LIT you ask? They are up and coming environmental leaders, youth who want to learn more about working with children and passing on their love of nature, gardening and healthy cooking. Are you or do you know someone who would like to learn leadership skills while working with campers and amazingContinue reading “Eco LIT’s Rock!”
Summer Camp 2014 Registration Update
Thanks to everyone who registered for our 2014 Eco Camps! Our Eco Sprouts Camp for 4 and 5 year olds is full with long waitlists as is our Junior Eco Camp for 6 to 9 year olds (you’re still welcome to add your Junior Camper or Sprout to the list … you never know howContinue reading “Summer Camp 2014 Registration Update”
Alright Spring Let’s Get A Move On!
A touch of spring and summer to keep us going … We also suggest searching through seed catalogues and websites to give you a boost of gardening cheer 🙂 Caution – It will make you hungry (fresh beans and tomatoes straight from the garden. Ok I better stop now)!
The 2014 Registration Cheat Sheet!
It’s almost time! Spring and Summer Program Registration is fast approaching 😀 This round of registrations includes our Spring Cooking Programs and Summer Eco Camp Day Camp Programs. So get those barcodes and bookmarks ready, program the coffee pot for 6:45 am on Saturday March 1st and stand by to hit those redial and refreshContinue reading “The 2014 Registration Cheat Sheet!”
March Break Eco Camp Barcode and Registration Info – Just in Case!
If you’re looking for March Break Eco Camp Info (at 6:55 am 😉 ) look no further! Program Barcode: 2342750 Location: High Park Children’s Teaching Kitchen Ages: 6 to 10 Date: March 10-14, 2013 Time: 9 am to 4 pm (extended care available, registration required – Before 8-9 am (2342748- $13/week) and After 4-5 pm (2342749 – $13/week)) Cost: $171.00Continue reading “March Break Eco Camp Barcode and Registration Info – Just in Case!”