With everything starting back up again it’s time to check out our Fall Programs for 2022. Our beautiful new garden beds have done very well and we will have veggies galore for our upcoming Cooking, Gardening and Nature based programs. Please see below for what we’re offering at the Children’s Garden and Teaching Kitchen this Fall.
Registration for our programs starts Wednesday, September 14th, 2022 at 7 am! For more information on how to register please click here.
To go directly to the Toronto FUN Online Registration page please click here.

Cooking Vegetarian With Caregiver – 4139128
Cooking programs teach participants the basics of how to measure and combine ingredients while making delicious and nutritious recipes that consider Canada’s Food Guide. There is a variety of interest-specific cooking courses available that focus on a particular technique such as baking or recipes from a specific culture. The City of Toronto and its staff cannot guarantee that the foods or supplies within its cooking programs is free of allergens. Notify staff at your cooking program location of any food allergens or dietary restrictions. This is a caregiver and child program. Caregiver’s must participate. Program is located at High Park Children’s Teaching Kitchen, 105 Colborne Lodge Drive.
Starts Saturday, October 1st at 10 am – 9 weeks
Ages 4 to 5 years Cost – $119.00
Cooking Vegetarian – 4139127
Cooking programs teach participants the basics of how to measure and combine ingredients while making delicious and nutritious recipes that consider Canada’s Food Guide. There is a variety of interest-specific cooking courses available that focus on a particular technique such as baking or recipes from a specific culture. The City of Toronto and its staff cannot guarantee that the foods or supplies within its cooking programs is free of allergens. Notify staff at your cooking program location of any food allergens or dietary restrictions. Program is located at High Park Children’s Teaching Kitchen, 105 Colborne Lodge Drive.
Starts Saturday, October 1st at 1 pm – 9 weeks
Ages 9 to 12 years Cost – $158.00
Garden with Caregiver – 4146153
An opportunity to interact and socialize with other participants through a variety of activities and interests. Explore High Park and participate in fun nature activities. Caregivers must participate. Program is primarily outdoors so come dressed appropriately for weather. Program is located at High Park Children’s Teaching Kitchen, 105 Colborne Lodge Drive.
Starts Tuesday, October 4th at 10 am – 9 weeks
Ages 3 to 5 years Cost – $53.00
Nature with Caregiver – 4139129
An opportunity to interact and socialize with other participants through a variety of activities and interests. Explore High Park and participate in fun nature activities. Caregivers must participate. Program is primarily outdoors so come dressed appropriately for weather. Program is located at High Park Children’s Teaching Kitchen, 105 Colborne Lodge Drive.
Starts Thursday, October 6th at 10 am – 9 weeks
Ages 3 to 5 years Cost – $53.00
Garden and Nature Tuesdays – 4146152
An opportunity to interact and socialize with other participants through a variety of activities and interests. This program is aimed at children who are homeschooled. Participants will engage in hands on outdoor and indoor gardening and nature activities which relate to the Ontario Curriculum for various grade levels. Activities will include gardening, hiking and nature exploration activities. The program will primarily be outdoors. Program is located at High Park Children’s Teaching Kitchen, 105 Colborne Lodge Drive.
Starts Tuesday, October 4th at 1 pm – 9 weeks
Ages 6 to 12 years Cost – $53.00
Garden and Nature Thursdays – 4142647
An opportunity to interact and socialize with other participants through a variety of activities and interests. This program is aimed at children who are homeschooled. Participants will engage in hands on outdoor and indoor gardening and nature activities which relate to the Ontario Curriculum for various grade levels. Activities will include gardening, hiking and nature exploration activities. The program will primarily be outdoors. Program is located at High Park Children’s Teaching Kitchen, 105 Colborne Lodge Drive.
Starts Thursday, October 6th at 1 pm – 9 weeks
Ages 6 to 12 years Cost – $53.00